Singing Guide: SZA & Calvin Harris

Singing Guide: SZA & Calvin Harris

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

SZA is a revolutionary artist known for her unique blend of R&B, neo-soul and hip-hop. She has captivated audiences around the world with her distinct voice, thought-provoking lyrics, and mesmerizing live performances. In this article, we will explore the vocal techniques that make SZA an exceptional singer and how to learn singing like her using Singing Carrots resources.

Breath control is a crucial aspect of SZA’s singing. She uses her breath as a punctuation mark to punctuate her lyrics, much like a rapper does when delivering their verses. To start learning breath control, check out Singing Carrots' articles on breath support, active and passive breathing. And for a great hands-on breathing exercise, practice the Farinelli breathing method showcased in one of the videos.

Another important aspect of SZA's singing is her vibrato. If you want to learn how to use vibrato in your singing, Singing Carrots has got you covered. Watch the video featuring the Beggar’s Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce for inspiration and practice. You can also read the article on singing with vibrato for a deeper understanding of this technique.

SZA's singing style is also distinctive because of her use of twang. You can learn how to use twang in your own singing and the benefits it has, like improved range and volume. Singing Carrots’ article on contemporary vocal techniques: heavy modal, twang, belting along with the video on how to twang will help you master the technique.

If you want to learn how to sing like SZA, it's essential to understand the importance of articulation and enunciation. Check out Singing Carrots’ articles on articulation to improve your diction while singing and avoid being “mumbley” in your delivery.

Finally, it's essential to understand that Singing Carrots offers a wide variety of resources that can help you learn to sing like SZA. You can use the vocal range test and let it compare your range with hers, then use some of the artist's songs to practice, which you can find through the Song Search feature. You can also use Singing Carrots’ Vocal Pitch Monitor along with Pitch Training to improve your pitch accuracy.

In summary, if you want to learn to sing like SZA, it's essential to focus on your breath control, twang, vibrato, articulation, and use of the vocal range test, song search, and Singing Carrots’ vocal pitch monitor and pitch training. With consistent practice and dedication, you can improve your skills as a singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.